Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mapping the Underworld: Subsurface Utility Engineering

As many people in our industry are well aware, calling your local one-call utility service to mark for underground utilities often isn't enough to avoid costly change orders during construction.  For that reason, we have added Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) to better serve our clients.

Utility Research, Utility Designation, Pipe Rodding
and Data Collection

Utility Research is an important element of SUE that provides necessary information to designators and designers. Proper research allows the designator the ability to confidently mark the utilities in the project area while providing the designer vital information such as type, size and material of the utility.

Utility Designation is the indication on the ground of utilities in a project area by using a powerful, advanced digital measurement and processing system. All utilities are designated according to ASCE 38-02 and based on the Recommended Marking Guidelines for Underground Utilities as endorsed by NULCA.

Pipe Rodding allows Brockenbrough the ability to designate non-toneable pipes like sewer laterals and storm drains. Our rodding techniques allow us to put an electromagnetic signal down any unobstructed pipe that has an access point.

Data Collection is the process by which all utility designation information is obtained in the field, transferred back to the office, and ultimately indicated on the construction plans. Brockenbrough's survey crews use Total Stations, Global Positioning Systems, and Electronic Field Books to obtain the data accurately and efficiently.

Brockenbrough realizes the cost-effectiveness afforded by the utilization of SUE techniques during the planning, design, and/or construction phases of a project. Utilizing SUE services during the preliminary phases of a project allows the designer the ability to recognize potential conflicts, make informed decisions for route selection, and assists them in preparing the sequencing of construction. All SUE work at Brockenbrough is done under the supervision of licensed Land Surveyors and Professional Engineers.

We look forward to providing our clients with this valuable service!

For SUE services, call Mr. Thomas Condrey, Brockenbrough's Survey and Subsurface Utility Engineering Supervisor, at 804.592.3900.  

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