Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In The Community...

Community Service Event: Habitat for Humanity

At the end of November, Brockenbrough employees will spend two days volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.  Brockenbrough is passionate about serving our community and giving back, so we're very excited to be able to join Habitat for such a great project!

New Website Coming

Brockenbrough's website is currently undergoing a facelift. Watch for the new site design in the next couple of months. www.Brockenbrough.com

The Winds of Project Change:
Adapting to the Ever-Changing Project Flow
To stay strong in these tough economic times we have adapted our business approaches in a number of areas.  In response to significant reductions in municipal and state projects we find ourselves doing a lot of smaller projects as opposed to large capital improvement projects.  Repair, maintenance and minor upgrades seem to be the name of the game for many of our valued clients such as Virginia DGS and DCR, and some of our newest clients such as VSU and UMW. 

Five years ago you could count the number of design/build projects we were involved with on one hand.  Now almost 50% of our revenue comes from contractor clients doing design/build projects, such as our current federal government work at Westover ARB and Diego Garcia.  We are also working with more current innovative technologies such as energy efficiency improvements, asphalt reclamation and ITS systems.

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