Friday, March 5, 2010

Brockenbrough Hosts Water Quality Seminar

On February 24th, Brockenbrough hosted a technical seminar discussing Storage Tank Water Quality in the new state of the art Training Room at the Brockenbrough office.

This training provided a unique opportunity to offer training to regulatory agencies (VDH), Utility Owners (Chesterfield Utilities Department), consultants (Brockenbrough, WR&A) and equipment representatives (Flomec) together in one room.

The videoconference meeting was conducted by Mike Duer, PE, with Tideflex in Pittsburg, PA, presenting the research behind tank mixing and the engineering solutions to providing complete water mixing and preserving water quality. Currently only general regulations govern tank mixing, thereby making the seminar helpful by providing research and real world examples to support use of mixing systems to improve water quality. Tideflex's passive mixing system brings sustainability to the table with this system as it utilizes the existing energy of the inlet/outlet pipe to produce the mixing effect.

Chesterfield County Utilities Department is considering the use of tank mixing systems for two new elevated water storage facilities, one designed by Brockenbrough and the other by WR&A.

One CEU (Continuing Education Credit) certificate was issued by Brockenbrough to all participants.

The use of videoconferencing demonstrated Brockenbrough's commitment to environmental sustainability as there was no need for the presenter to travel to deliver the presentation. Participants carpooled to the event. Buffet style lunch was offered, washable plates were used and a recycling bin was made available for soda cans.

Brockenbrough participants included Jeff Haas PE (Host), Carrie Langelotti PE (Partner-In-Charge), Nate Mathis PE (Meeting Organizer), Vann Davis, EIT, and Andrew Stewart, EIT.

More regulation guidance from EPA/AWWA Whitepaper can be found at:

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